Friday, March 27, 2009

MY Taaj-Mahal Sighting:

At 1.20 PM on March 17, 2009 I saw Taajmahal and Agra fort first time in my life while on move in a train to reach Kanpur. It was really an amazing feeling. Agra fort seemed me as if it is functional even today. All the statesmanship and kingship is still seemed live there. It felt me that the Nawabs and their cohorts and soldiers are on duty right in the moment inside the fort. The Fort is spread in about 100 acres of land and is a red maroon shade from all sides which is also my favorite color. Everything looked wonder, gave me a whole new experience after just watching externally and from some 300 meters distance whiles on move, to this historical monument-A marvelous piece of art depicting the grand and grandeurs of Mugal Sultanate. It literally took me about 500 years back in an era of Mugal sultans and their Jalwas.

It felt me that fort’s each and every brick were crying hard and telling the tales of grand and grandeurs of its time desperately to every passers-by and visitors.

However the living standard of general public in Agra city was seen to be of low quality. The city gives over-all a poor impression to the visitors. People in general looked living a poor quality life. The Government Administration obviously seemed to be failing altogether in providing the proper sanitation and garbage disposal arrangement. As a result of this, the whole area displays a polluted and filthy look coupled with an intense, sharp and unbearable stinking, pervading all around the Railway station covering Agra fort and nearby city areas.

It’s really a matter of shame not only for the local administration and UP government but also more for the Government of India. If India has got such a marvelous piece of internationally acclaimed heritage, on which it’s certainly proud of. The Taaj, a rare craft of Indian history, whose pride even foreigners recollect and discuss in their numerous literatures, visit to see this one of the wonders of the world after crossing seven seas spending their lots of precious time and money.

Now if India fails to preserve its monument effectively and only expect that their tourism revenue should rise year after year without providing proper amenities to its visitors as well as to the residents of this city. Then the day is not very far from when this historical place may become a center point of public criticism with the realization of day-by-day dwindling numbers of visitors to the Taaj.

The Agra city looked developed totally in an unplanned way. There is an urgent need to have a fresh planning with a greater emphasis on drainage disposal mechanism, road widening and 24 hours power availability, beside this, an arrangement for the regular upkeep of all government establishments and structures.

Agra city-even being famous world over as one of the best tourists’ destinations could not attract adequate attention of industrialists and top business leaders to setup their shops in this area. I believe Government’s apathy in formulating a conductive industrial policy and not enough assurance to industrialists for providing positive environment may have dampened their spirit and that remained them stayed away and adamant, and not seriously willing to bring in new industries in the area. I understand that the step for Industrialization of the area is need of the hour which will not only help in stimulating local economy but also in tapping the local talents to alleviate unemployment and the poverty among the local impoverished people. This, in turn, will also help in uplifting the living standard of people in general. The people will have enhanced purchasing power. They will willingly contribute to the local development by timely paying service charges, taxes and other levy to the government and local Municipal Corporation. All-in-all they will be able to help in over-all development of local economy which will surely contribute to the nation’s economy. It could, however, be a minuscule contribution, but it doesn’t matter much to the vast country like India. This way I truly confident for sure that India will get a better Image make-over in the eyes of millions of tourists visiting Agra every year from various parts of the Globe.

After all, life is not what we store and accumulate in terms of money and material things, rather it’s how well we live utilizing available resources optimally during our times acting responsibly towards our fellow members of the society for today and tomorrow. I may not have proper words right now to express my true feeling but I know my discerning readers certainly understand even a step ahead of what I mean to express on the above whole matter.

-By Sanjay Singh, Gandhi-nagar, March 22, 2009

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